
L's Dotfile Repository

This repo is intended to contain all the configurations I require to get my environment setup on a new install. It is secondarily a template for other people to use who might have an interest in doing so.

How does this differ from GNU Stow, other than being less featured? NIH, mostly.


Move any desired files in your home directory into the git directory.
Add the filename to "linked_files", each on its own line.
Run "./make_links"
The output should indicate any links made ("linked ...") or files that already existed ("... already exists, skipping") or removed ("... removed")


make_links should not require bash, just the standard posix sh

Required Modifications

update the directory paths at the top (/home/christopher) to the home directory of your machine, as well as the run directory uid if you're not user 1000
Authors:Christopher R Nelson